Caregiver’s Compensation Guide
There are three main ways you can get paid if you are taking care of an aging family member.
Please contact the Sanford Center for Aging at (775) 784-4774 or if you have any questions.
Option 1 - Family Care Contracts
A Family Care Contract is an agreement made among family members. The agreement details the duties to be performed by the appointed family caregiver and the compensation to be paid to the appointed family caregiver by the person receiving care and/or other family members. For more information, consult an elder law or family law attorney. If your family needs legal assistance, contact your local senior center.
Option 2 - Veteran Support
You may be eligible for several medical and/or financial benefits from the VA Benefits Administration, VA Health Administration, or both.
Contact your Primary Care Team or the Primary Clinic at your regional Veterans Affairs (VA) hospital
Your Primary Care Team can work with you to explore caregiving options.
Explore the VA Benefits Administration
Find out if you or your family member qualifies for benefits by calling the VA Benefits Administration (VBA) at 775-321-4712. By calling this number, a Veteran Contact Specialist will connect you to a Veteran Service Officer (VSO) who can help you review your eligibility for:
- VA Disability Compensation, VA Aid and Attendance, VA War-Time
- Pension, and VA Homebound Pension programs.
Your VSO can help you understand the above programs, but you can also learn more and apply online at the Veterans Affairs Eligibility for VA disability benefits and Veterans Affairs Eligibility for Veterans Pension. - When talking to a VSO, say:
“I am calling to explore VA Benefits that I might be eligible for. I served from (Start Date) to (End Date) and was a (Occupation) in the (Military Branch of Service, e.g., Army, Navy, etc.).”
If you are calling on behalf of a veteran, make sure you have their service start and end date, occupation, and Military Branch of Service.
VA Sierra Nevada Health Care System - Caregiver Support Program
VA Sierra Nevada Health Care System has a Caregiver Support Program comprised of two distinct programs: the Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers (PCAFC) and the Program of General Caregiver Support Services (PGCSS).
For more information, please call 775-328-1461 or visit the VA Caregiver Support Program website. For information about additional support options that may be available, please contact your VA primary care team.

Option 3 - Compensation through Medicaid
You may be able to be paid as a family caregiver if the person you are caring for receives Medicaid.
State of Nevada Options – Aging and Disability Services Division (ADSD)
For eligibility information, please call ADSD and say,
“I am calling to find out if I can get paid as a family caregiver or if I can receive caregiving services.”
- Reno office: 775-687-0800
- Carson City office: 775-687-4210
If the family member has not qualified for Medicaid, they may still be eligible for other caregiving programs and benefits. Contact the ADSD offices above and ask for, “Community-Based Care Intake information.”
Caregiver Compensation through Medicaid
Step 1: Determine the Medicaid status of the person receiving care
- If the person receiving care is already on Medicaid:
Skip to Step 2. - If the person receiving care has not yet qualified for Medicaid:
Contact your State Medicaid Agency Division of Welfare and Supportive Services (DWSS) by calling 775-684-4000. - If the person receiving care does not meet Medicaid eligibility:
You cannot get compensated as their caregiver. However, there are some other options available. Please review the options listed above. - If the person receiving care cannot apply for Medicaid on their own:
- If you are the legal guardian or have the Durable Power of Attorney for Financial Matters, you can apply for Medicaid on behalf of the person receiving care.
- If you are not the legal guardian, contact an Elder Law or Family Law attorney. You can also download the Durable Power of Attorney for Financial Matters form or call the Community Foundation at 775-333-5499.
- If you are not the legal guardian and do not have the Durable Power of Attorney for Financial Matters, you may still assist with the application by becoming a “Trusted Advisor.” Learn more at the Supported Decision Making in Nevada website.
- If the person receiving care is already on Medicaid:
Step 2: Ask your family member's Medicaid Case Worker or Case Manager if your family member qualities for caregiving services.
- If the person receiving care qualifies:
Go to Step 3. - If you do not know your family member’s caseworker/manager:
Contact your regional Nevada Care Connection Resource Center at 211 or the Division of Welfare Voice Response Unit (VRU) at 800-992-0900. - If the person receiving care does not qualify:
You cannot get compensated as their caregiver through Medicaid. However, there are other options available. Please review the options listed above.
- If the person receiving care qualifies:
Step 3: If the person receiving care qualifies for Medicaid's caregiving services, you must be hired by a caregiving agency to be paid for the care you provide.
- Begin by asking the case manager of the person receiving care for a list of employers that hire family caregivers.
- Choose an agency you would like to work for and complete the employment paperwork and hiring process. Employers may have different rates of pay, benefits, and employment requirements.
- If you are hired by a caregiving agency and are compensated for caring for your family member, you might not be compensated for all the care you provide. Family caregiver pay varies, but normally ranges from $9 – 15 per hour.
- It is still important to consider other forms of caregiver support. Explore the other options listed above.