Financial Assistance
Free care in your home, discounted prescriptions, and more.
AARP Tax-Aide Service
Free tax returns with a focus on seniors. Visit the site or call the number to find the...
Access to Healthcare Medical Discount Program
Provides uninsured and underinsured Nevadans with access to medical treatment, including dental and vision, at greatly reduced prices....
Access to Healthcare Network Free Transportation
Provides transportation to medical appointments, medical procedures, home after hospital stay, groceries from neighborhood Walmart, and any outings...
Attorney General’s Medicaid Fraud Control Unit
Investigates and prosecutes Medicaid provider fraud, patient abuse or neglect, and misappropriation of trust funds.
CARE Chest’s Prescription Assistance
In partnership with regional pharmacies, CARE Chest clients can receive up to $300 annually as a supplement for...
This website contains information and resources about various topics.
Energy Assistance Program (EAP)
A program through the Nevada Division of Welfare and Supportive Services that helps with supplement assistance with the... Pharmaceutical Assistance Program
Search engine used to search for programs available to lower the cost of certain medication.
Needy Meds
This website helps locate assistance programs.
Nevada Legal Services
Provides free legal services to low income Nevadans.
Nevada Lifespan Respite Care Coalition (NLRCC)
NLRCC mission is to support caregivers in our community by promoting awareness and access to, as well as...
Northern Nevada Legal Aid
Free legal assistance for problems faced by low-income seniors including elder rights law, including, but not limited to,...
PAN Foundation
The PAN Foundation works to offer medications and treatment to under insured individuals at a lower cost.
Partnership for Prescription Assistance
Website that help individuals search for financial assistance that will lower the cost of their prescription medication.
Reno Housing Authority: Senior Income Based Housing
Provides a voucher to assist with rent for low-income seniors.
Renown: The Healthcare Center Clinic
Medical attention for low income families or individuals.
Offers clinical and non-clinical services for individuals and families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness and...
Rx Assist
This website provides information about lowering costs of prescription medications.
Rx Hope
This program helps find local financial aid for prescription drugs.
Rx Outreach
RX Outreach will try to lower the cost of prescription medication and send it right to your home.
Sanford Center for Aging: Senior Outreach Services
Direct service provider where a Senior Outreach Services (SOS) volunteer offers companionship and assistance with day-to-day needs of...
Senior Rx
Cover the cost of prescriptions only while in the gap between coverage for Medicaid Part D.
Senior Rx/Disability Rx
The Senior Rx and Disability Rx (SRx/DRx) Program is a state pharmaceutical assistance program for low-income seniors and...
Seniors in Service
Seniors in Service offers a Respite Voucher program to live-in caregivers who are in need of a break....
Seniors in Service – Senior Companion Program
Senior Companion volunteers are 55 years and provide basic social support to seniors over the age of 60...
Social Security Administration Supplemental Income
Provides cash to meet basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter to help the aged, blind, and disabled.
Washoe County Lions Sight Conservation
Provides eye exams to children and adults in financial need.
Washoe County: Senior Services Representative Payee Program
Appoints a representative to manage the funds for seniors who are no longer able to manage their own...
Washoe Senior Ride/Taxi Bucks Program
Access to anywhere within the RTC bus routes, however, some areas cannot be accessed. Certain cabs also accept...
Blog Entries
A Day in the Life of a Compound Caregiver
Tod Sherman is a family caregiver for his wife, Dawn, and his son, Doug. He shares his story...
Caregiver’s Compensation Guide
Caregiving can be costly. As the United States population ages and lifespans extend, more aging adults require care....
Caregiving During the Holidays
The holidays are the perfect time to connect with family, friends, and loved ones. The holidays are the...
Caregiving during COVID-19
The COVID-19 situation is an unprecedented time for everyone. People of all ages are at risk of contracting...
Caregiving for Veterans with PTSD
At the beginning of my interview with Tod Sherman, he mentioned he was on the phone with me...
Grief while Caregiving
Everyone experiences grief in his or her life. All of us lose friends and family and it is...
Paper Bags and Caregiving Isolation
There is a good reason why all caregivers need their paper bags… For caregivers, there is a different...
Preparing to Care for an Aging Parent
Preparing to care for an aging parent ahead of time is important for everyone to do. The year...
Recognizing When You Need A Break
One of my elderly friends, Rachel, let her adult son move in with her while he experienced hard...
Respite Care and its Barriers
Respite is defined as: for family care partners who provide ongoing care to someone with a chronic or...
Respite Care for Caregivers
The dictionary describes respite as, “A short period of rest or relief from something difficult.” Being a caregiver for an...
Safety Tips for the Holidays
The holidays are around the corner. It is an exciting time for everyone – for some, it is...
What is Palliative Care?
Palliative care has been defined as “interdisciplinary care that aims to relieve suffering and improve quality of life...
Why Support Groups are Important
Support groups can be helpful if you are facing a major setback in life, or if you are...
Caregiver’s Compensation Guide
Sanford Center for Aging Caregivers’ Compensation Guide shows how you can get paid while taking care of an...
Sanford Center for Aging Guidebook
The Sanford Center for Aging Guidebook is an instructional manual on how to be a new family caregiver.
Sanford Center for Aging Guidebook en Español
Esta guía tiene como intención brindar utilidad a los cuidadores no renumerados. Quizá no incluya todo lo que...
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Useful Documents
Sanford Center for Aging Guidebook
The Sanford Center for Aging Guidebook is an instructional manual on how to be a new family caregiver.
Caregiver’s Compensation Guide
Sanford Center for Aging Caregivers’ Compensation Guide shows how you can get paid while taking care of an aging family member in Nevada.